Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Pyramid Scheme aka Multi Level Marketing Scam

There is a rise in numbers of companies doing Multi-Level-Marketing(MLM) in Malaysia, mostly started by young "entrepreneur" to get rich fast and easy, and most of them are scams. I wont mention any MLM company here, there are plenty of them out there and can be found easily through the net. It's very easy to identify a MLM company, as they all share the same characteristic.
Here are some characteristics:
1) Obviously, you are told that you can earn a few thousands dollars/ringgits in a short period of time.

2) You need to pay registration fee/ buy product to enter the company.

3) You have to search for down-line.

These three basic characteristic are enough to identify a MLM company. Some might argue that they're actually selling stuff, not solely doing down-line searching, hence denying they're a MLM company. But the truth is, the selling stuff part is just another scam, the actual reason for the company to introduce a product is because they need to register their company as a direct sales company, simple as that. Members are tricked into believing that they're actually selling stuff, but in fact non of the effort are made to sell stuff, instead they're busy searching for new members. Tell me, what direct sales company that are only interested in finding downline rather than selling their stuff?

I'm actually quite amazed by the naiveness of people, believing pseudo-science rather than using logical thinking. Even the educated ones are falling prey into these scams. Have you ever wonder how a piece of soap can cure cancer or instantly improve your skin? How to they do that? How did a piece of "nano-tech" disc do so many amazing stuff like saving your fuel, energized your water? What does energizing your water help your health anyway? The scammers are getting tricky by demonstrating it live in front of potential prey, but I wonder why those who join never ask how did that happen? Most of the time these pseudo-science products will have some endorsement by some bogus professor, just a simple google search could reveal their work, whether it's true or the other way round.

So guys, the next time another magical stuff appear, lets say a towel that can magnetized your blood and cure cancer, stop and think for a while how did the towel do that. Always ask how. And for those who join MLM to get rich fast, wake up.

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